Terror on Every Side! Volume 6 – That Broken Reed

Another book of of Bible-based fiction by Mark Morgan

A final volume in the series Terror on Every Side! on the life of Jeremiah is being released soon. Volume 6 – That Broken Reed will be available, God willing, on Tuesday, 28 February 2023.

Terror on Every Side! Volume 6 – That Broken Reed: FrontCover

Last updated Feb 10, 2023 @ 8:33 pm.

God told them to stay, but…

The leaders of the pitiful remnants of Judah’s army reject God’s command to stay in Judah. Afraid of Nebuchadnezzar and his hordes, they flee to Egypt, taking Jeremiah and Baruch with them – against their will. After making the long journey south, they hope to find peace and safety in Egypt. Yet God’s plans have not changed, and Jeremiah is still with them as God’s voice – they cannot escape his warnings of a terrifying future. Will they listen this time?

Meanwhile, far away in Babylon, new terrors are brewing: King Nebuchadnezzar has plans for Egypt…

In this last volume of the series Terror on Every Side! we come to the end of Jeremiah’s work as a prophet. He saw most of his prophecies of terror fulfilled, but those that spoke of a coming joy were still waiting to be brought to completion.

Bible-based fiction

Bible Tales Online is dedicated to bringing the events and people of the Bible to life through fact-based fiction.

We accept the Bible as fact; the events it recounts as history. However, the Bible includes limited resolution snapshots of the lives it reports, and the events it describes are often painted with very broad brush-stokes indeed. Much is left to the imagination of the reader.

Our authors use their imagination to sketch out a possible version of the life and times of some of these historical characters, in the hope that our readers can get to know them as real people – people like us.

The series: Terror on Every Side!

Terror on Every Side! leads you through the exciting life of Jeremiah the priest as he worked for God in ancient Israel. As well as being a priest, Jeremiah was also a prophet of God for over 40 years, always warning of judgement which was to come on the nation of Judah and all the nations around. Few would listen at all, and fewer still would take him seriously. Jeremiah lived to see the fulfillment of most of these prophecies, but many of those he spoke to did not.

For more information on the series and links to many related articles on the Bible Tales blog, see Bible Tales Books – Terror on Every Side!

Previous volumes:

Volume 1 – Early Days
Volume 2 – As Good As It Gets
Volume 3 – Darkness Falling
Volume 4 – The Darkness Deepens
Volume 5 – No Remedy

This new volume concludes the series.

Terror on Every Side! Volumes 1-6 Cover

Everyone wants to enjoy stories in different ways: some like to curl up in bed with a paperback book, others revel in reading on a laptop or Kindle, while to others, hearing the words is best. With this collection we have all your needs covered: hardcover, paperback and eBook will all be available.

Terror on Every Side! Volume 6 – That Broken Reed

“That Broken Reed” tells the story of Jeremiah in Egypt, his troubles and triumphs. Although he only went to Egypt because he was forced to do so, he embraced the opportunity to continue his work for God as a prophet to the nations while not neglecting his own people.

As with the earlier parts of the series, “That Broken Reed” includes a couple of helpful resources.

Firstly, there is a map of Egypt and Judah in about 580BC including the places Jeremiah lived or visited in the course of the book. The map is derived from a map of the Middle East (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Near_East_topographic_map_with_toponyms_3000bc-pt.svg) published by Yiyi (https://commons.wiki media.org/wiki/User:Yiyi) with a CC BY 3.0 licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en).

A timeline of Jeremiah’s life in Egypt is also included which begins where the timeline in Volume 1 finishes.

Map of Babylonian Empire around 600BC (derived from a map by Yiyi (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Yiyi) of the Middle East (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Near_East_topographic_map_with_toponyms_3000bc-pt.svg) with a CC BY 3.0 licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en)

Pre-order options:

Terror on Every Side! Volume 6 – That Broken Reed: FrontCover

Terror on Every Side! Volume 6 – That Broken Reed (hardcover)



$7.99 (AUD)

  • Ready to read on any device
  • PDF, EPUB or Kindle (MOBI) format
  • One map & one timeline in colour
  • 95,000 words
  • 359 pages in PDF
  • Choose the format you want


$27.00 (AUD)

  • 127x203mm (8″x5″)
  • Creme paper
  • 95,000 words
  • 359 pages
  • Matte cover
  • One map & one timeline


$15.49 (AUD)

  • 111x178mm (7″x4.37″)
  • White paper
  • 95,000 words
  • 359 pages
  • Gloss cover
  • One map & one timeline


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The book will be released in only…


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