Category Archives for "Family trees"

Jan 22

Moses’ and Aaron’s family trees

By Mark Morgan | Family trees , Jeremiah , Miscellaneous

Exodus 2 v 6

Many people – perhaps most – have heard of the Ten Commandments or the Law of Moses. Fewer would know much about Aaron, Moses’ brother. In this article, we present Moses’ and Aaron’s family trees. Being brothers, the main difference is the central character – as you’ll see below.

We learn about the life of Moses in the Old Testament of the Bible, since he was born about 1,500 years before Jesus.  However, the name of Moses was still known by everybody who lived in or around Israel in Jesus’ day, and the New Testament contains many references to the law which God gave through him.

So where did Moses come from and why was he so famous?

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May 19

Jehoshaphat’s family tree

By Mark Morgan | Family trees , Jehoshaphat

King David, Solomon, Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa and then Jehoshaphat: this is Jehoshaphat’s family tree.

King Jehoshaphat was a descendant of King David, from the tribe of Judah, and began to reign over Judah about 100 years after the death of King David. He was a righteous and faithful king who would be high on the list of the best kings of Judah – although he had a problem with being too tolerant of evil people.

A family tree centred on King Jehoshaphat is included below. The family tree extends up to King David in simplified form, however the generations around Jehoshaphat include much more detail.
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Nov 05

King David’s Family Tree

By Admin | David , Family trees

King David's family tree:

King David’s Family Tree

If you look far enough up King David’s family tree (ten generations), you will see that he came from the tribe of Judah.  And as we look through his family tree, we see that some of his relatives are still very well known, even 3,000 years later.  Some of his famous relatives include: Continue reading

Jan 23

Jeremiah: Family trees

By Mark Morgan | Family trees , Jeremiah

Family trees: Jeremiah

Family trees

The Bible reports the lives of many families, and God portrays himself as a father who invites people to be his children.

The people of Israel are called by that name because God gave their ancestor Jacob the name “Israel” almost 4,000 years ago.[1] Continue reading


1 See Genesis 32:28; 35:10; 1 Kings 18:31; 1 Chronicles 16:13, 17; Isaiah 41:8; 45:3-4
Oct 25

Jeremiah’s family and genealogy

By Mark Morgan | Family trees , Jeremiah

Jeremiah's family and genealogy: ”A special breastplate was made for the high priest“ by Sweet Publishing/ Slide 29 Licence: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Sweet Publishing / (

Jeremiah’s family / Jeremiah’s genealogy

Jeremiah was a prophet, but he was also a priest.[1]  What do we know about Jeremiah’s genealogy?  At the start of his book, he is described as the son of Hilkiah,[2] and we know that there was a High Priest called Hilkiah at that time.  Was Jeremiah the son of the High Priest? Hilkiah is called “Hilkiah the priest”[3] and “Hilkiah the High Priest”,[4] but his father’s name is not mentioned.  Listing the name of a man’s father name was commonly used to distinguish between people with the same name. Yet it is only when we look in the genealogy of the high priests that we find Hilkiah’s father was called Shallum. This consistent use of the name “Hilkiah” without saying who his father was suggests that saying he was a priest was enough to uniquely identify him. Continue reading


1, 2 Jeremiah 1:1
3 2 Kings 22:10, 12, 14; 23:24
4 2 Kings 22:4, 8; 23:4
Nov 08

Joseph’s timeline and family tree

By Mark Morgan | Family trees , Joseph , Timelines

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and then Joseph: here are Joseph’s timeline and family tree in multiple languages.

Joseph’s life – timeline

Joseph lived for 110 years – which seems like a long time to us, but was significantly shorter than the lives of his ancestors, including his father Jacob, who died at the age of 147.

Only a small part – just 11 years – of Joseph’s life was spent in the land of Canaan. About 93 years were spent in Egypt.Continue reading