The End of Babylon
By Mark Morgan | Daniel

Babylon is handed over to the Medes and Persians
The empire of Babylon (the Neo-Babylonian empire) was built almost entirely around around one man – Nebuchadnezzar II. God used it to punish many nations – including Judah – but after seventy years, the time came for the end of Babylon.
This article has taken a very long time to write because of the uncertainty in archaeology, history and Bible interpretation. I take the Bible as my first basis for evidence, but often the Bible gives very little historical detail. This should be no surprise. After all, recording historical detail is just a side effect of the Bible’s goals of offering salvation and truth.
Many’s the time, however, that Bible believers have rejected discoveries of science, not because they were wrong, but because our understanding of the Bible was simplistic. The interface between science and the Bible can be difficult at times. Sometimes scientists and Christians can each jump to unwarranted conclusions about the other. I’ve been trying hard to avoid doing this regarding the historical setting of the book of Daniel.