Jul 04

Terror on Every Side! List of Characters

By Mark Morgan | Jeremiah

Terror on Every Side! Volumes 1-5 Cover

The following list contains all of the characters mentioned in the Bible around the time of Jeremiah. Names listed in grey are people who appear in the series Terror on Every Side! The Life of Jeremiah but are not mentioned in the Bible.

Terror on Every Side! List of Characters


Abigail [1] – wife of Gemariah [1] the son of Hilkiah and brother of Jeremiah. (Not in the Bible.)

Abigail [2] – wife of Zaccai, an official/ruler/noble in the time of King Josiah. Welcomed visitors at the Passover in Josiah’s eighteenth year. (Not in the Bible.)

Achbor – son of Micaiah. Official/ruler/noble in the time of King Josiah. Sent with Hilkiah, Ahikam, Shaphan and Asaiah to see Huldah the prophetess (2 Kings 22:11-20). Named ‘Abdon son of Micah’ in 2 Chronicles 34:20. Possibly the father of Elnathan mentioned in Jeremiah 26:22 and 36:12.

Ahab – son of Kolaiah. False prophet (with Zedekiah [2] the son of Maaseiah (possibly Maaseiah [2])) in captivity. Cursed by God in a letter sent by Jeremiah, with the punishment being that King Nebuchadnezzar would roast them in the fire (Jeremiah 29:21-23).Continue reading

Jun 11

Introducing Bible Tales Online

By Mark Morgan | Jeremiah

Have you ever read the Bible and felt that you would like to meet some of the people it describes?  It’s not always easy to work out what they were like, is it?  Yet we think it is important and if you agree, let us introduce you to Bible Tales Online.


Magnificent acts of bravery are described in just a few words.  Entire lives are summed up in a single sentence.

Amazing miracles are reported clearly and concisely, but never in extravagant terms.

True, important people in the Bible are given more space, but the information is still sparse.  Love and hate, emotion and ambition, faith and folly – all appear in the narrative, but briefly, fleetingly.

Much is left for our imagination to fill in if we really want to get to know them as people.

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