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Anyone aspiring to be a friend of God can come closer to God today by reading or listening to Bible Tales stories – they help to show what it means to walk with God every day...
Gain a fresh enjoyment from the Bible with Bible Tales Online: fiction accurately presenting the enthralling events of the Bible within a magnificent panorama of imaginative detail. Join us as we bring the Bible to life through the empathy of an Australian author who has read and loved God’s word for more than 50 years.
I thought I knew this Bible story really well! The author has tapped into the characters, their motivation, their fears, their hopes and their relationships with others. He has also put some events in order, which needed a lot of detailed research. This goes way deeper than Joseph and His Technicolour Dreamcoat... A compelling read.
Mrs Rachel reviewing "Joseph, Rachel's son"
This is another exceptionally well-written and entertaining book of various Bible stories coming to life with the Morgan family. The Bible tales, history and geography have obviously been seriously researched before the stories are written. They bring to life the current time of the story, the feelings and most importantly, the wonder of our God, the Creator, and Father of our Lord Jesus. I enjoy every story I read from Mark Morgan and am glad to know his children are carrying it on too!
Maritta reviewing "Fiction Favours the Facts – Book 3"
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